Punta Almara: Summer of 2023 - UNCOVERA

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Punta Almara: Summer of 2023

Recently, my friend asked if we could have a summer outing together with the others. Since it has been a long time since we have seen each other and it would be perfect because a holiday was fast approaching, and she decided to take the event somewhere from a distance.

As the day passed, she hurriedly gathered all our friends who wanted to join the summer event. It did not even take long to convince them and the majority willingly agreed.


On the 22nd of April 2023. We reached the place at past 8:00 o'clock in the evening since we left Legazpi before 6:00 o'clock because we have to make some preparations.

Three days earlier, we were planning to stay at RR Beach Resort but it was not available by that day. Instead, we decided to choose Punta Almara and confirmed that the place was available even for walk-ins.

When we reached the place we were a bit skeptical. There were so many visitors, the tent was all over the place, kids were playing in the water and drunk people were all having fun along the shore. We did not expect that it would be like that. Luckily, a staff from Punta Almara kindly showed us an available cottage where we could stay while some of us decided to stay in the tent.

As the night continue, there was a bubble party happening at the other station. Teens and even those young at heart joined the event and the party lasted past midnight.


Since the place was popular with the locals, there would be a lot of local tourists and visitors, especially on long weekends. 

Punta Almara has three stations, you may choose any of the stations depending on the availability but the most popular was the second station where all the party and fun happens. If you love to party then station 2 would be the best for you but if you want less crowded and just want to relax with fewer people then you may station 3 would be the best.

The sand is not that fine but a little pebbly and the water has a bit of rock but as you go further the rocks began to lessen.

Expect the water to be clear, especially in the morning because they maintain the cleanliness of the sea. As early as 5:00 o'clock in the morning, people start raking the sand, and later on, a vehicle will pick up the piled trash from each station.


Staying in Punta Almara (Station 1) is not that expensive. During our stay, we only have to pay for the entrance which cost 75 pesos per head, and 1,000 pesos for the cottage. Other than that would depend on the group, since we are from Legazpi we filled our gas with worth 1,000 pesos, and food and drinks are contributory amongst the members.

In case you forgot to bring some food, there are sari-sari stores and some are also delivering fish if you want.


If you plan to pick Punta Almara, contact them first on their Facebook Page to have your stay organized. Prepare your sunblock, tent, and chairs if you want to stay along the shore to enjoy the day. Also, expect a long and bumpy ride along the way because of some parts that are still in repair. Don't forget your camera to take a good picture of the place.



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